Promoting Writing- Strategies and Activities (Entry 9)

 Some strategies to help struggling writers

1. Before writing, share ideas

Before writing, students should verbally communicate their thoughts. This can be done in front of a peer, a group, the whole class, or while being captured on a piece of technology. Struggling writers may find encouragement from classmates to get the courage to express their ideas and receive criticism.

2. Writing collaboratively

Here, the entire class participates in the drafting of a group project. As the class writes the piece, many students start to share their thoughts. This encourages struggling writers to come up with creative ideas in addition to having a strategy for how to approach the project.

3. Employ sentence openers

These give aspiring writers a framework to work within and serve as inspiration for their ideas.

4. Warm up for writing

This activity is excellent for inspiring pupils' imaginations. Additionally, it motivates students to take notes.

5. Pre-writing

This makes it easier for struggling writers to generate ideas and see how their concepts might look.

Gradual Release of Responsibility Model

1. Provide background information

2. Describe the approach.

3. Implement the plan;

3. Use the technique as an example to follow

 4. Work together

5. Guided Exercise

6. Individual use 

Creating a Writing Environment 

Writer's notebooks for jotting down spoken or read special language; dictionaries, thesaurus, spelling

 guides, and computerized spell checkers; teacher-made charts to direct students' writing. To create

 book covers, you'll need construction paper, wallpaper, or poster board; colored papers in a range of

 sizes; a long-arm stapler; clear plastic covers with colored plastic spines; a puncher; twine; magazines, etc.

In addition, there are graphic organizers, rubrics, and other activities such as displaying students'

 work, writing portfolios, and journal writing that could help to create a rich writing environment for students. 

Teachers can also good model text to guide students and to help them to strive to become better writers.



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