Entry Eight: Reading -Writing Connection

“Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write.” – Annie Proulx

In class, we viewed a two minutes YouTube video on how to link reading and writing together in the classroom. We looked at the relationship between reading and writing and how they go hand in hand like a married couple.

Here are a few key points that I took away from the video.

1.      Have students or the whole class read a text, passage, or literature piece out loud

      Also, have students or the whole class read a text, passage, or literature piece in pairs or independently as well.

3.      Ask students to write a response to the text or passage. For example, how they felt or what they thought, and have them make predictions or give feedback.

4.      Let students answer a few questions from the text. This can be done orally and then written in their notebooks.

5.      Select words from the text or passage and instruct students to use the selected words to write in their journal entries, a paragraph, or even a short story. The words will be added to their vocabulary.


  1. Those key points were really informative on how we can link reading and writing together. The addition of the poem at the beginning that shows how reading and writing are linked was an excellent touch.


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