Entry Ten: Promoting Writing – Strategies and Activities

“You can make anything by writing.” – C. S. Lewis

Types of Writing:





  •          Explains in a process format
  •           Includes facts and examples
  •            Logical in order and sequence  

  •           Argues from the author’s point of view
  •           Includes reasons
  •            Asks readers for recommendation and solution to the situation

  •          Describes in a highly detailed manner
  •           Poetic in nature giving details of places. People, events, situations, etc.
  •          Uses and appeals to the five senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling

  •            Tells a story
  •            Includes characters and dialogue
  •           Have a definite and logical beginning, intervals/middle and ending


Creating an Environment that Promotes Writing

A classroom would need:

1.    1.  Materials to support writing - notebooks, dictionaries, teacher-made charts
2.      Tools for Revising Writing - post-it notes, highlighters, graphic organizers
3.      Materials for bookmaking - coloured paper varying in sizes, magazines, staplers or twine for                                                               binding 
4.      Rubrics - can be numerical, pictorial or verbal
5.      Encouraging Writing Activities - display students' work, rewrite or retell stories, write plays and                                                                  perform them



  1. I liked how you included some of the basic items you would need to create a writing environment. Also to add to your list, you can include items such as markers, pencils, crayons, safety scissors and paper glue which children would happily use to create storybooks.


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