Entry 9 Broad Approaches and instructional strategies for teaching writing

 This week, a specific post that said "ways to encourage struggling writers" came up as the lecturer was showing us a video on instructional tactics for teaching writing caught my interest. The approaches that most resonated with me were conferences with students one-on-one and in small groups, teacher-led modeling and guided writing, chunking assignments with graphic organizers, mini-lessons, and giving students access to writing tools. To encourage my students to write actively, I would use these techniques in my language lessons. I would also modify one of the tactics, which entails giving pupils writing resources.

No promise could be given that the pupils would bring back the supplies, including pencils, pens, crayons, erasers, and even markers, so I would engage in a trade with them. To ensure that the supplies were returned, they would have to trade their shoes or bookbags.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Conferencing is indeed a great way to assist struggling writers but there are many ways to assist struggling readers. Sometimes it is good to explore many options as we are not always sure that the method that has been chosen would be the most effective technique for our students. With students' varying abilities it is good to decipher which technique would work best for them.

    1. That is a good idea Akima, however I was just stating my main preferences that i would use firstly in my classroom to see how well they would work for my students.


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