This week, I realized that various writing strategies may be used for various types of writing. The writing techniques P.O.W. and T.R.E.E. can be applied to persuasive writing. The 3W approach can be used to implement narrative writing, and PLAN and WRITE can be used to implement expository writing.

The strategy of releasing responsibilities gradually is what I would put into practice the most. With this method, the teacher would start by teaching background information. then spell out the plan. The plan would then be modeled. Collaborative use would be an addition. next, supervised practice The last choice is independent use. It might be stated I do, we do, and you do. This method would encourage kids to develop their own writing abilities.

Making an environment that supports children's writing development was the last topic that caught my attention. Now that it was connected to establishing a reading environment, this got my brain working. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that while a reading corner would be nice, a writing corner would be even better. In my classroom, I would set aside a section for writing. The tools I need to support my writers will be in this area, including charts to help students write, dictionaries, spelling, and reading books, as well as resources for creative writing including construction paper, wallpaper, safety scissors, punchers, twine, and wool. These things would stimulate a child's imagination.


  1. The language experience approach as it relates to the reading-writing connection is also another intriguing way for students to not only partake in writing but in reading as well. I strongly believe that showing students the connection between reading and writing helps to foster a love for both modes. It also would help struggling readers and writers. As language arts teachers, one of our main goals should be to help our students to develop a love for both reading and writing. Once that is done we would be surprised at how much our students have improved in different aspects of language arts and even content area subjects.

  2. Sounds like you have the teaching of writing down packed! I find that children have a negative energy towards writing like it's some sort of chore to them. Writing notes is a challenge and anytime they hear about writing, they suddenly get tired, or hands hurt. So, I am glad to take away some methods from this post to implement within my own classroom.


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