Approaches to teaching writing - Entry 8

 I like this week's session because it covered five major techniques to consider when teaching writing. One of these tactics is the penmanship method, which is a crucial method. the rules-based approach, which teaches children how to appropriately use the rules to create their words and phrases. The grammatical rules and the punctuation rule are two examples of this. The process approach, which essentially encompasses the entire writing process, comes in third. The planning, drafting, and revising techniques employed by experienced writers are taught to learners in the strategy method, which is the final but not least approach.

The genre approach was what caught my attention the most because it seemed to be so unique. To learn more about it, I wanted to do some additional study. According to Martin's (1999) research, several stages can be followed to establish and carry out genre writing as a teaching and learning process. He suggests three essential stages for the genre writing process: modeling, deconstruction, and language comprehension.

For future reference this is where the information I gathered was from:

Martin, J. R. (1999). Factual Writing: Exploring and Challenging Social Reality. Melbourne: Deakin University Press.


  1. I am happy you were able to do additional research on the genre approach. It is always good to do additional research to find additional information about a concept as well as to find out how effective the approach can be as well as how to go about teaching the approach. This is very vital.

  2. I personally love the genre approach as well. It was something new to me and I found it to be very interesting. There is a wide variety of genres to choose from and I'm sure my students will have a favourite. this will encourage and motive the entire class to want to write and appreciate the important of writing. I myself need to get back to loving writing so it will be a journey for both my students and myself.


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