Trends in writing- Entry 3

 This week was about trends in writing. The 8-step writing process was the first process that was introduced into the lesson to help students with their writing. The process included step 1 idea. This is where you brainstorm your ideas on various topics that you would like to write about. So instead of choosing something for students to write about you let them throw out ideas as a class and vote on which topic catches their interest. Step 2 includes thinking. In this step, you will ponder the needs, wants, and characteristics of the topic. For example, on the topic of water conservation, one may think why is it important to save water and the answer may be that even though water is a renewable resource, we still have to preserve it because it is limited in Antigua at times. Step 3 includes the idea and reader. This is basically narrowing down the main idea that would be focused on the main topic. An example of this would be the main idea or broad topic of water conservation and the supporting topic could be the positive effect of water conservation.

Step 4 is to gather information. This is basically when you research all the necessary information that you would use in your writing piece. You can get information either online, in books, in magazines, in dictionaries, etc. Also, when gathering information online, it is always advisable to look for credible sources. Step 5 is to study. This is when you revise all the information you gathered, then from all the information you should pick out what is useful and leave the information that is irrelevant to your topic. Step 6 is design. This is where you will use a graphic organizer that would be suitable for the piece that you would do. An example would be to use a Venn Diagram to represent a compare and contrast piece. In step 7 you will begin to write your article. Since you already have all the information that you think you’d need and have your ideas or main points already organized with the use of a visual aid, it would be easier to construct your piece. Finally, the last step is to edit. After writing your piece, read it over to see if it flows and if it's going in the right direction. Or even if you have to add something else. I think this method would be useful to teach students, especially the use of graphic organizers. This is because they offer a visual depiction and students will learn to structure their stories with graphic organizers by giving them a beginning, middle, and end. Also, by using graphic organizers, kids may learn about the writing process in an entertaining way. 



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