My dedication (philosophy) - entry 7

 In my belief, each child is unique and deserves a stimulating learning environment where they can grow socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically. I am adamant that teachers have a responsibility to demand nothing less from their students. I will make an effort to bring a positive attitude, an open mind, and high standards for my students daily in the classroom. I wish to create an atmosphere where students can develop to their full potential. In this safe environment, I'll encourage students to express themselves and take risks. Therefore, I believe it is vital that the faculty, parents, and school community work together to create a collaborative learning environment for our students.

Although I have not taught before, I wish to continue my journey as a second-generation teacher

as my way of giving back to the community and myself because becoming a teacher to me, means that I have the chance to make an impact and change the lives of children. I aim to be a strong, nurturing support system for the students, encouraging them to do their best work while getting to know them and their learning preferences. My students need to have a sense of importance, that their ideas are valuable, and that they are free to express them. I will make an effort to enter the classroom each day with an open mind, a positive outlook, and high standards.

In summation, my main goal as a teacher is to provide every student with instructional support that is of the highest caliber and matches their unique needs. I'll help my students find their voices, accept who they are, and value others' individuality. My students will succeed if they work hard, don't give up, and are committed. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to model consistency, effort, and compassion to encourage and develop these qualities in the children. In addition, I want my learners and other teachers to reflect back on me as a nice, pleasant person who truly loved what she did.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your way of thinking is fascinating. It demonstrates your passion for teaching as well as the innovative methods you'll use to promote learning. Well said!

  3. I must say that I am in awe of your philosophy, I am very proud of you and I love the way how you face the many challenges that you did with an open mind. I can see your burning passion for your career part as a teacher and I know you will practice what you preach as you strive to become an exceptional teacher. As teachers, we all have a role that we must fulfill and I am happy to see that your striving to accomplish that role not really for yourself but most importantly, for your students. Keep striving for excellence and when the road gets rough, never give up.

  4. Well done, Jaleesa! After reading your philosophy I felt so inspired and uplifted. This makes me want to do my utmost best to ensure that my students leave my classroom well prepared for the next grade and for life on a whole.


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