Entry #1 - Trends in Writing (Scaffolding writers)

        Happy to have finally gotten on board with this social writers’ platform despite many challenges. As we embarked upon this journey: Trends in Writing Workshop as a community of learners sharing and collaborating our experiences and ideas with the focus on developing our students writing skills to become better writers and meeting the needs of every individual students. Trends in Writing Workshop has taught me a scaffolding writing technique where a mini-lesson is being taught for 5-10 minutes, focusing on a particular task on hand catering for all students for example recapping the five elements of the writing process namely prewriting: where students would brainstorm and discuss ideas,  drafting: of the idea discussed could be the first draft, revising adding more information and experiences then editing: where we search for grammatical errors and pronunciation, correcting of verb tense finally publishing: advertising the finished product on display.

Interestingly, inside the workshop different scaffolding techniques and be ongoing which is labelled as the "writing conference" therefore within the writing conference teacher model various writing needs for individual support. writer’s intent,writer’s needs, teach the writer; writer plan, tracking writing status and finally group share what jumps out at me is that the teachers should  be skillful in their instruction and is capable to multi-task addressing the needs of individual students by making sure each child is kept actively engaged.


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